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Park Hill Golf Course & West Side Investment Partners

Updated: Jan 19

West Side Investment Partners purchased the Park Hill Golf Course property in 2019 for $24 million and has since been trying desperately to fool the city voters to lift the open space conservation easement from the property so they can make huge sums of money from building commercial properties and apartments with no guarantee of a park OR affordable housing. Fortunately, the voters were not fooled by West Side's second deceptive attempt to have the voters release the conservation easement to allow them to sprawl into the last of Denver's open space to bulldoze the trees and landscape to create money-making buildings and make record-profits.

Denver Yimby: Flyers about the Park Hill Golf Course

Thankfully, West Side Investment Partners' empty promises of affordable housing and parks that they shared with the neighborhoods with numerous giant deceptive full-color flyers (see the seven flyers above that were sent to one Park Hill home) were not enough to trick Denver voters into lifting the open space conservation easement. Close to 60% of voters opposed measure 2O, which would have lifted the open space conservation easement mandating that the 155-acre parcel of land to remain open space or a golf course. While West Side said they were planning parks and trees, they were printing mass amounts of full-color flyers to liter the surrounding neighborhoods. West Side doesn't care at all about TREES, they only care about money. Which is not surprising, they aren't in the business of building parks, they're a developer building properties for profit. So why they purchased this land that has an open space conservation easement is puzzling. Perhaps they thought they could trick voters into voting to remove the easement so that they could sprawl into the last of Denver's open space. And they have certainly tried with all sorts of deceptive ballot initiatives and fliers.

Denver resident have a glimpse of hope: Denver residents have been urging the Department of Parks & Recreation to buy the golf course back from the developers as part of the agency’s five-year Legacy Parks Plan, Westword reported. It is unclear how the department’s leadership will respond to the idea because former City Council member Jolon Clark was confirmed as the new parks director on Jan. 2. One can hope that the city will see the huge value in retaining this open space for the residents as well as local wildlife such as birds and pollinators.

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