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Park Hill Golf Course - Denver, Colorado

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

Don't fall for the developer lies, vote NO on 2O to help preserve the easement that protects the precious 155-acre former Park Hill Golf Course so it can continue to be open space or a park. Voting NO on 2O does NOT mean that the land has to remain a golf course, it only cannot be developed. This flier that is being distributed below in our neighborhoods contains a lie:

Yes on 20 - Don't fall for it! Protect the Park Hill Golf Course - Denver, Colorado - Flier spreading lies about the Easement by voting NO on 20!
Did you get a Yes on 20 flyers at your home? Don't fall for these lies! Protect open space in Colorado by voting NO on 2O.
Our home received not one but three of these deceptive, expensive 8.5x11" flyers. There's a lot of money to be made, so they're throwing everything they've got to try to deceive Denver voters into removing the easement.
Our home received not one but three of these deceptive, expensive 8.5x11" flyers. There's a lot of money to be made, so they're throwing everything they've got to try to deceive Denver voters into removing the easement.

Westside Development is spreading a known lie to the residents of Denver through these deceptive fliers.

This flier is being distributed by the developer in our neighborhoods and is spreading lies about the easement (read more about the easement lower in this article.) Do not fall for the lie on the flier above, voting NO on 20 absolutely does NOT mean that the land has to remain a golf course, it only cannot be developed - it must remain open space or a park. Do not forget that Westside can pay a fine and not build anything affordable. Affordable housing is usually the last built if they actually provide affordable housing in their development at all. They are also not required to build ANY park space or put in a grocery store, so the promise of building Denver's 4th Largest park and adding grocery stores are empty promises.

If Denver residents vote AGAIN to protect the easement by voting NO on 2O, then this tree filled area will remain open space instead of 5-8 story buildings and concrete. The city could use the funds designated for parks to buy back the land and keep it as an open space park for all to enjoy, and it could be Denver's THIRD LARGEST PARK! Vote NO on 2O.

With Denver already having less park space than nearly all other big cities in the USA, it's time to put our foot down and protect the last great open space we have in our city. We could turn it into a great park that everyone can use! And, with all the skyrise apartments being constructed everywhere in Denver, a new public park is definitely needed to allow for more people to have access to outdoor space and nature. We shouldn't have to commute to the mountains to have places to be outside, especially if living in small apartments with no outdoor spaces to enjoy. See the huge 155 acre open space below, it was formerly the Denver Park Hill Golf Course, but now it can be turned instead into a public park for all residents in Denver to enjoy:

This grand space could be Denver's next amazing park!

Read more about how this space could become Denver's grandest public park:

As you can see in the map below, this area could really use a grand park to serve the people who live in all of these neighborhoods. The city of Denver DOES have money for purchasing land for parks via the 0.25% Parks and Open Space sales tax that was approved by voters (Ballot Measure 2A). That means these 155 acres of open space could be a true Regional Park!

Read more about the Denver Park Hill Golf Course conservation easement here: Denver (we, the people) purchased the development rights from the Clayton Trust in the mid 1990s to preserve the land as open space. However, the conservation easement allowed the Clayton Trust to continue operating a golf course so they could continue to collect revenues to be used for charitable purposes. We went a step further and waived their property taxes for the subsequent ~30 years so they could maximize those revenues. The current owner, Westside can continue to operate a golf if they wish, but unless the revenue it generates is used for charitable purposes they would probably need to pay property taxes. Westside bought the land knowing full well it had a conservation easement limiting the use to open space including a golf course.

Because this open space was a golf course, it could very easily be transformed into a public park immediately for all to use. Here is a glimpse of a drawing of the great park from the folks at What a brilliant idea.

If Denver voters say NO to 20 to protect the open space and easement, then Westside developers cannot develop the property. The city of Denver then could buy the property with the Measure 2A money the city has been collecting each year precisely for the purpose of expanding our park lands. We'd then have the THIRD largest park in Denver as mixed use development fills in from RiNo to Colorado Blvd along 40th Ave. The city is free to make all of it into a public park for recreational use.

Why does Westside claim that the Denver Park Hill Golf Course has to remain a golf course if voters vote NO on 20?

Because WESTSIDE upon purchasing the property promised to PAY to restore it if they couldn't develop it. It would cost them more than the value of the land to do that. The land would be worthless to them, and they can't simply sit on it. THEY have to restore the golf course or turn it into open space on their dime, or sell it. Another developer wouldn't buy it with the conservation easement still in place.

This is why voting NO on 20 is the best outcome for our community and the entire city. Don't let them build on this last great open space in our Denver community! Westside's plan is to develop 8 and 12 story buildings that will crowd along Colorado Blvd, casting huge shadows over the homes across the street. Instead, this space can continue to be open space and used for public recreational uses such as parkland, trails, natural areas with native plants, etc.

Please VOTE NO on 20 this April! This sign from hits the nail on the head:

Green vs. Concrete - Vote NO on 20

Don't let developers steal away the last of Denver's great open spaces!

Vote NO on Denver Ballot Measure 2O

If you're wondering why our City Council and Representatives and Mayor have been going against the wishes of their constituents, just follow the money. Though they denied it at the PBS12 mayoral debate, three of the Mayor candidates – all proponents of Westside’s project – did indeed accept $500 contributions from Westside's founder and principal Andrew Klein.

  • State Senator Chris Hansen also received a contribution of $500 from Andrew Klein.

  • Former State Senator Mike Johnston has accepted $500 from Andrew Klein.

  • City Councilmember Debbie Ortega‘s campaign has received $500 from Andrew Klein in this election cycle as well as donations from Westside.

Westside Investment Partners’ leaders and staff are also supporting 2023 City Council candidates including Amanda Sawyer, Adam Estroff, Travis Leiker, Gilmore, Daryl Watson, Tim Hoffman, Will Chan and Diana Romero Campbell.

At the PBS12 mayoral debate, the only candidates that said they would vote no on lifting the easement were: Kwame Spearman, Lisa Calderón, Trinidad Rodriguez and Ean Tafoya.

This information above is sourced from this Denverite article, check it out to learn more about who's getting paid to sell out our open space that is protected by the easement:




Yes, in my backyard! 


We support protecting open space, historic neighborhoods including our small, affordable single-family homes, and planting more native plants in our neighborhoods, parks and parkways to support our wildlife and community for a better future.


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